Lucki Maine Coons

Lucki Maine Coons | Missouri Maine Coon Breeder | Polydactyl Maine Coon Cats

PracTICAl Cats, presents CATS

TICA Cat Show in Missouri

In June of 2023 we were able to attend our fourth TICA cat show, hosted by the PracTICAl Cats Club in Gray Summit, MO. This was our second show to attend with the PracTICAl Cats Club, we had a great time. The Maine Coon group included non-poly & polydactyl, these are split into two breeds. Maine Coon & Maine Coon Poly, TICA allows for polydactyl to be shown unlike CFA.

We attended this show with Lolli, Alexa, and Aly, this was Lolli & Alexa’s second TICA show and Aly’s first TICA show. For this show we attended both days which was 14 rings in total. Each ring basically works as it’s own show, each ring has a different judge so it is interesting to see the results change from ring to ring. Lolli & Alexa both did great, no fear! Aly did great as well, he just likes to hangout on the table and let everyone look a him.

Ring Results for Aly Day 1 & 2


  • Best of Color x13
  • 2nd Best of Color x1
  • Best of Division x1
  • 2nd Best of Division x1
  • 3rd Best of Division x11
  • 2nd Best of Breed x1

Ring Results for Lolli Day 1 & 2


  • Best of Color x14
  • Best of Division x14
  • Best of Breed x1
  • 2nd Best of Breed x7
  • 3rd Best of Breed x6
  • All-breed Final 3rd Best All-breed Kitten

Ring Results for Alexa Day 1 & 2


  • Best of Color x14
  • Best of Division x14
  • Best of Breed x4
  • 2nd Best of Breed x10
  • Longhair Final Best Longhair Kitten
  • All-breed Final 4th Best All-breed Kitten
  • All-breed Final 4th Best All-breed Kitten

We are very happy with their results, this was Alexa’s second show & her first two day show, Aly’s first TICA Show & his first two day show, and Lolli’s second TICA show. Lolli received 3rd best all-breed kitten out of 21. Alexa received best longhair kitten out of 21. Alexa also received two 4th best all-breed kitten out of 21. Aly did not receive any finals although, this was his first TICA Show. His coloring (solid black) isn’t for everyone and that’s ok. This was Lolli’s very last kitten show, it’s hard to believe! Alexa has one more show left as a kitten. We are excited to see how they both do in the adult (championship) class. Thank you to all of the judges that picked our girls for finals!

Show Highlights



Lucki Maine Coons is a small, in home closed cattery located in the Midwest with a passion for the Maine Coon breed. We are a registered cattery with TICA – The International Cat Association and CFA – Cat Fanciers Association.

