Lucki Maine Coons

Lucki Maine Coons | Missouri Maine Coon Breeder | Polydactyl Maine Coon Cats

MO-KAN Cat Club, Happy Catsgiving

CFA Cat Show in Kansas

In November of 2023 we were able to attend our seventh CFA cat show hosted by the MO-KAN Cat Club in Lenexa, KS. At this show there were over 30+ breeds in attendance, this includes kittens and adults. This was our second show with the MO-KAN Cat Club and we had a great time.

We attended this show with our future king Elysee and Justine. This was Elysee’s second CFA show, his first show in the adult (championship) class. This was Justine’s first show with CFA in the premiership class.

Ring Results for Elysee


  • Best of Color x2
  • Best of Division x2
  • 2nd Best of Color x8
  • 2nd Best of Division x8
  • 2nd Best of Breed x2

Ring Results for Justine


  • Best of Color x10
  • Best of Division x10
  • Best of Breed x10
  • Best Premier of Breed x10
  • All-breed Final 2nd Best All-breed Premier
  • All-breed Final Best Longhair Premier
  • Longhair Final 2nd Best Longhair Premier
  • Longhair Final 10th Best Cat

This was Elysee’s first show in the adult (Championship) class. He had a bit of eye irritation from grooming, so this show didn’t go as planned. He is already doing better now that we are home, so this weekend was more of practice being in the ring for him. Beyond the watery eye, the judges had nothing but great things to say about him. He was the youngest Maine Coon in the championship class. Justine did well and made two finals, this was her first show in the premiership class. Since both of them attended six qualifying rings, Justine has received her premier title and Elysee has received his champion title. Thank you to the judges that picked Justine for finals.


Lucki Maine Coons is a small, in home closed cattery located in the Midwest with a passion for the Maine Coon breed. We are a registered cattery with TICA – The International Cat Association and CFA – Cat Fanciers Association.

